jeudi 24 mars 2016


Après avoir éliminé l'impossible 
et toisé l'improbable 
les mystères de l'espace temps
dévoilent leurs vérités!

Que les putes et le rhum 
volent les secrets de nos têtes!
Allons satisfaire les caprices de l'homme 
et servir la cause des tempêtes!

Aux îles asiles d'exilés sucriers
je préfère courir aux quatres vents
 et me brûler à l'ecume du sel de l'amer!

Aucune solution plausible 
n'est abordable
les enfers ont eu vent
que mon âme est à leur portée!

Que l'axe moral m'assomme
moi le monstre qui cherche la p'tite bête!
A l'image du serpent qui tend la pomme
pour des appétits qu'on regrette!

Aux îles asiles d'exilés sucriers
je préfère courir aux quatres vents
 et me brûler à l'écume du sel de l'amer!

A la barre rester impassible 
en-dessous c'est l'insondable 
l'éphémère et ses courants
qu'il me faut contrer!

Que nos canons raisonnent
loin des terres de nos dettes!
A la menace derrière l'horizon qui tonne
la voile noire en fête fait danser son squelette!

Aux îles asiles d'exilés sucriers
je préfère courir aux quatres vents
et me brûler à l'écume du sel de l'amer!

dimanche 20 mars 2016


Many things look good in danger!
Are you the sincere one?
Are you the emotional?

Take the flower powder 
the details will do the rest!

I've seen my reflect
too many times!
What's in us so perfect
that makes the rime?

Fire and ice need one more fever!
Can you defy the sun?
Antartical or artical?

Take the flower powder
the details will do the rest!

I'm the secondery effect
of our centurie's crime!
What in politness or respect
is worth in a coalmine?

My soul has an affair with the wilder!
Must the show go on?
Do we allow the animal?

Take the flower powder
the details will do the rest!

I'm my favourite suspect
when I trust the sign!
What in some aspect
can eventually shine?

My ego's been fired in his tower!
Is it gone in a gun?
A bubble or a high wall?

Take the flower powder
the details will do the rest!

Take the flower powder!
Take the flower powder!

vendredi 18 mars 2016


Whose memory do you serve?
Whose fears do you believe in?
Innocents will fall
if you answer to the call!

And the winner is money
exept for me & my monkey!
Knowledge brings gilt!
Ignorance is feeding the soldiers!

Who's got make up 
on their desires?
Who has the power
to rethink himself?
Who thinks a bullet
has the answer 
to his questions?
Maybe the Devil 
is just a misunderstood?

Has every conviction got an edge?
Has your position allready changed?
Who built the first wall?
For death or fame walk down the hall!

From recongnition to celebrity
things wish to last in history!
Some lives need a lift!
Underground stars remain martyrs!

Who's got make up
on their desires?
Who has the power
to rethink himself?
Who thinks a bullet
has the answer
to his questions?
Maybe the Devil 
is just a misunderstood?

vendredi 11 mars 2016


Eight times stonger
than we are!
A million times superiour
than our will to kill!

So small in our walls!
Everything we fear
needs a code
and a door!

Try to be a good gorilla!
Try to be a good gorilla!
Try to be a good gorilla!

Silver back's closer
safe I'm in a car!
Humans need an armour
and a miracle pill!

For fame build halls!
Controlling a tear
for a god
made for the poor!

Try to be a good gorilla!
Try to be a good gorilla!
Try to be a good gorilla!

Mankind is the monster 
with a name for every star!
Towers  get taller
in the jungles of steel!

Inside me is a trbal call!
It's loud and clear
from the fog
they know more!

Try to be a good gorilla!
Try to be a good gorilla!
Try to be a good gorilla!

jeudi 10 mars 2016


Entre j'en sais rien et nulle part 
tel un pavé jeté dans la mare
sujet d'sa majesté gravité
qui pesant de toute sa peine
m'a condamné à perpétuité
à labourer les arènes
moi qui rêvait d'être l'oiseau rare!

Du mystère de moi-même 
comment me sauver?

Jamais été le régional de l'étape!
J'suis le fou d'une diagonale 
qui m'échappe!

Sombres recoins ou grands écarts 
la balle perdue de part en part
a fini par me traverser
et mettre à l'air mes veines
d'écorché mal rangé
en gargouille de totem 
à la une des journaux du soir!

Du mystère de moi-même 
comment me sauver?

En prise directe 
avec ce qui nous dépasse!
Avec seul un mensonge 
pour consolation!

Du mystère de moi-même 
comment me sauver?
Comment me sauver?

mardi 8 mars 2016


Find yourself in someone else!
As the metamorphosis of a butterfly
bodies are passing but the spirit
never dies!
Think yourself in another place!
Less and less to fear from the sky
stories are now telling the limits
of their lies!
Find yourself with another face!
Kneeling on your grave she still cries
worries run in the veins of misfits 
and uprise!

Thinner than cigarette paper
is the madness and genius partition!
The sinner wishes he could be better
but he's the slave of addiction's

Find yourself lost without a trace!
Through the looking glass eye 
doughts are taking the lunatic
by surprise!
Think yourself in a state of grace!
A passionnate fever you can't justify
that nothing in the rush hour trafic 
can minimise!
Find yourself hanging on a lace!
Never know where time flies
far above the speed limits
of our little lives!

Thinner than cigarette paper
is the madness and genius partition!
The sinner wishes she could be better
but she's the slave of addiction's

vendredi 4 mars 2016


I don't like when you say it's illegal!
It's only a very sensible subject!
My connexions are extrasensorial!
Look up there's an unknown flying object!

Something in me is exprimental!
Waiting for it's secondery effect!
My planet shows like a mirrorball!
Many of my faces look suspect!

I'm not getting any better!
Never listen to my doctor!
Has to be a secret garden!
Has to be a blinding sun!
Has to be sins on the run!
Has to be a smoking gun!
Sometimes I forget the warnings
cos I'm a simple man!

A part of the elementaly particule!
I'm stardust on the soul's reflect!
I don't remember there's a wall!
Has to be god and his prophet!

Didn't land from my last fall!
Woke up sitting on a comet!
My fears don't need a symbol!
I'm conjugated in pure imperfect!

I'm not getting any better!
Never listen to my doctor!
Has to be a secret garden!
Has to be a blinding sun!
Has to be sins on the run!
Has to be a smoking gun!
Sometimes I forget the warnings
cos I'm a simple man!