mercredi 20 janvier 2016


Looking in her eyes
I can see there's
nobody home!
Nothing in my head
betrays my intentions!
On my face there's just
a dangerous smile!

In this world
pain knows me by name!
I'm the dark side of the soul
expecting u all to fall
in my hole!
I'm not your fake snake from 
the garden of Eden
I'm the lord of the heathen!

Until the day she dies
and anywhere 
she carries her bones!
Every scene I've played
is the same chain reaction!
In this place only dust
and a venomous reptile!

In this world 
pain knows me by name!
I'm the dark side of the soul
expecting u all to fall
in my hole!
I'm not your fake snake from
the garden of Eden!
I'm the lord of the heathen!

See how she flies
here & everywhere 
jailed in the dome!
She's a butterfly nailed
for my own satisfaction!
No one u can trust
escaping me is futile!

In this world
pain knows me by name!
I'm the dark side of the soul
expecting u all to fall
in my hole!
I'm not your fake snake from
the garden of Eden!
I'm the lord of the heathen!

In the end I hypnotise
she's in intensive care
and the dices are thrown!
Hopes have allready sailed
towards another desillusion!
No needle can burst
my bubble of cold blood style!

In this world 
pain knows me by name!
I'm the dark side of the soul
expecting u all to fall 
in my hole!
I'm not your fake snake from
the garden of Eden!
I'm the lord of the heathen!

lundi 18 janvier 2016


People of good hopes
have regulars & exes!
People on bad dopes
go too far on excesses!

Day by day
like rats in a wheel!
A pill & an X ray
no time left to kill!

Feels just like
I'm in a monkey party
jumping around 
a bowl of coke!

Delirious gods & horoscopes
have a lucky star full access!
Vicious dogs & stethoscopes 
go out with young actresses!

Pay and play
wanna an extra thrill!
Lay on the plastic bay
and inflate the hill!
Feels just like
I'm in a monkey party
jumping around 
a bowl of coke!

samedi 16 janvier 2016


Essuyer les plâtres
d'une énième 
génération perdue!
Assister à des scènes 
auxquelles le hazard
nous convie!
En attendant la mort
tapis dans l'ombre
de sa voluptueuse
En des lieux 
où la vanité
est plus forte 
que la misère!
Toi qui te prends
pour le sel 
de la terre 
verras-tu les hyènes
du lendemain 
les tigres d'hier?
Si partir trop tôt 
semble inconvenant 
le silence de celui
qui courtise la mort
accepte néanmoins 
la plus endiablée 
dernière danse!
Incurables et agités
en qui sommeillent
de grands hommes
chutez de vos idées 
avant les vertiges
d'un monde hypocrite 
trop haut perché
qui viendra vous saluer!
Immuables vaguelettes 
des lacs!
Éphémères écumes 
des mers!
Longtemps après nos ruines
dans les poussières 
de nos os
notre asphyxie soufflera
une nouvelle ère 
provisisoire durable!

vendredi 15 janvier 2016


When everything's behind!
This world I thought was mine
never took me past the horizon
of my hometown!

Pushing everything to the limit!
Too fast to notice 
along the line
there was a sign
never really reached the speed of sound!

So I kept on making noise!
Tried to love but somehow 
always broke my toys!

After wasting more than time!
Although there was good wine
my sprint lost every single illusion
when the haze had flown!

An eye wide out of it's orbit!
Waiting for the winter solstice
to comit the perfect rime
in some words of mine
tatooed as the tear on a sad clown!

So I kept on making noise!
Tried to love but somehow
always broke my toys!

mardi 12 janvier 2016


My days are counted
and I'm too old
to find god!
All the faces I've invented
the tales I told
when I was
sick as a dog!

Will history remember 
London in november?
My memory is a stanger
at home in troubled water!

My walls are painted
in shades of cold
like my blood!
All the murders I've commited
the souls I've sold
when I was 
in the cosmic fog!

Will history remember 
London in november?
My memory is a stranger
at home in troubled water!