samedi 15 octobre 2016


Who said
skin on bones
make a pretty woman?
Who said
this is human
this is alien?
Who said
this noise 
is the best sound around?

Who said
stay in the shadow
walk under the spolights?
Who said
skandal's iconic
satanic turns messianic?
Who said
my sins have a penthouse
in heaven!

Who said
miracle is a pill to swallow?
Who said
mankind is a tomato soup
tin can?
Who said
this stone is a star?
Who said
piss and shit
is champain and caviar?

Who said
sacred is a guide to follow?
Who said
when I phone god
make sure the dogs 
are fed!

vendredi 30 septembre 2016


L'excès ne produit plus son effet!
Mes plus étranges chimies
sont toutes banalisées!
L'excès ne produit plus son effet!
Il a creusé un trou
et y a laissé un fou sans son flou!

L'excès s'annule s'annule
quand l'habitude a pris le pas
sur le dernier soubresaut du poison!
L'excès ne produit plus son effet!
Ici sont tracées les latitudes
sans incertitudes!

Ensenser l'insensé!
Ensenser l'insensé!
Ensenser l'insensé!
Ensenser l'insensé!

L'excès ne produit plus son effet!
A peine il se compense
avec une vague ressemblance 
de noms sur l'ordonnance!
Il se défile part en cavale
m'inspire m'avale
me recrache un lendemain 
de carnaval!

mardi 20 septembre 2016


Alors que le jour décline 
bien qu'encore à nous
la route dessine
sa voie jusqu'à vous
et pour rien d'autre au monde
je n'échangerais 
là où je vais!

L'élan de mes roues
éclate des flaques
autant que la sueur 
qui s'essaye
à me brouiller les cartes
et pour rien d'autre monde
je n'échangerais 
là où je vais!

La profondeur de l'écho 
raisonne dans mes entrailles 
et le souvenir de mes excès 
brûle comme un feu de paille!
Plus rien ne freine
l'ivoire et l'ébène 
de jouer comme des fous
mes joies et mes peines
surtout mon amour pour vous!

J'entends la radio qui braille
aux limites du réseau 
et quand le son sera mort
que je n'aurais plus les mots
pour rien d'autre au monde
je n'échangerais 
là où je vais!

Et pour rien d'autre au monde
je n'échangerais 
là où je vais!

jeudi 28 juillet 2016


Après l'examen 
de nos Babylones
sans visages
un peu partout
des fous
se snifent 
et s'effacent
la diagonale!

A genoux
qui survivez
aux crochets
du chaos!
Louez l'odieux
et ses girophares,
hommes invisibles
qui n'attendez rien
mais régnez en maîtres 
sur les degrés 
de l'angle mort!
Mais qui est ce formidable 
Ce mal entendu reconnu!

Virevoltez désinvoltes
ici le courant ne passe plus!
Et nous voici
plongés dans le noir
les envies par l'ombre
dénombrent les désirs!
Depuis les tumultueux 
jusqu'aux futurs incertains
ici bas se conjuguent
les temps de l'homme!

Obélisques gonflables!
Génocides rentables!
Virus programmables!
Liaisons jetables!

mardi 19 juillet 2016


What have I done
when again
dies another day?
I've got enough
to survive
but not enough 
to run away!

Drifting in an ocean
of time!
Stuck with voices
in the walls
of my head!
Digging my wasteland
for a sign
at the tunnel's end!

Shades and rays!
Sounds and visions
in chain reaction
from station to station
turn to be
again and again
gravity's illusions!

What's yet to come
when pain
wants to play?
The tank's full enough
to drive!
but not enough
to reach L A!

Squared horizons
all online!
Left with no choices
to catch my falls
as you said!
Everything is planned
to find
I'm too broken to mend!

Shades and rays!
Sounds and visions
from station to station
in chain reaction
turn to be
again and again
gravity's illusions!

mercredi 13 juillet 2016


Really don't know 
who you are!
Never been on the stones
you're walking on!

The symmetry's online!
Comes out the sound 
from an unknown land
Do you feel the same?
Do you feel the same?

What is your poison?
What is your prison?
What is your season?
Need a connextion!
Need a connextion!

Really don't know 
this star!
Never been with equal bones
so far!

Horizons draw their lines!
In the distance the hound
yells at a strange man!
Do you hear the same?
Do you hear the same?

What is your poison?
What is your prison?
What is your season?
Need a connexion!
Need a connexion!


Le temps me répète 
qu'il me dissimule
qu'il me révèle 
qu'il me reflète!

Le temps me répète 
qu'il fissure ma bulle
qu'il étouffe l'étincelle 
qu'il n'y a pas d'hormones honnêtes!

Le temps me répète 
qu'il me bouffe la pellicule
qu'il m'évapore le sel
qu'il me laisse la mémoire en miettes!

Le temps me répète 
qu'il faut que je circule
qu'il est le seul immortel 
qu'il me condamne aux oubliettes!

Le temps me répète  
qu'il m'encule
qu'il tire les ficelles
qu'il me prévoit un avis d'tempête!

mercredi 6 juillet 2016


Nothing really dies!
Nothing really dies!
It's only reconditionning!
It's not a matter of size!
It's not a matter of size!
It's somewhere in between 
all or nothing!
All or nothing!

Nothing really flies!
Nothing really flies!
It's only levitating!
It's better to be wise!
It's better to be wise!
It's somewhere in between
all or nothing!
All or nothing!

Nothing really lies!
Nothing really lies!
It's only missunderstanding!
Everyone's got a disguise!
Everyone's got a disguise!
It's somewhere in between
all or nothing!
All or nothing!


You're telling me
you're going down!
You're telling me
you're feeling low!

Too much gravity
too much speed of sound!
Too many you and me
too many want the front row!

Strange stone!
Strange stone!
Strange stone!
Strange home!

Don't trust me
don't forget I'm a gun!
Don't trust me
don't forget yourself on my blow!

Too many therapies
too many pills and crowns!
Too many you and me
too many who want to show!

Strange stone!
Strange stone!
Strange stone!
Strange home!

You're telling me
your keys are thrown!
You're telling me
your karma has to know!

Too late to be sorry 
too late basic instincts are around!
Too late to be horny
top late your time has to go!

Strange stone!
Strange stone!
Strange stone!
Strange home!

jeudi 23 juin 2016


No me acuerdo de nada!
No me acuerdo de nada!
Tengo un hoyo negro
en mi memoria!

A donde van las stellas?
Cuando el vacio ocupa
todo mi espacio!

Estoy el lado oscuro!
Estoy el lado oscuro!

No conozco esa zona!
No conozco esa zona!
Tengo demasiado veneno
en mi venas!

A donde van las almas?
Cuando la mala vida
es mi carcelero!

Estoy el lado oscuro!
Estoy el lado oscuro!

No me gusto nunca!
No me gusto nunca!
Dentro de mi un monstruo
me controla!

A donde van las demonias?
Cuando ha volado la magia
el viento ha cambiado!

Estoy el lado oscuro!
Estoy el lado oscuro!

dimanche 19 juin 2016


Erase una vez
un diablo viejo que sabe mucho!
Pero despues
ha puesto su alma en un cuervo!

Ronda como la duda
por encima mi cabeza!
Ronda como una sombra
y no puedo huir
de las imagenes
que me atormetan!

En esos ojos
se podia leer 
el miedo!
Los mios son frios
como la muerta!

Entre los hombres
he sido un lobo de mar mas que loco!
Los horizontes
estan hechos de gran nubes negros!

Bajo la luz de la luna
han sido años de deriva!
Bajo la luz de la luna
el vampiro ha ido 
cazar los perdidos
a salvo de las miradas!

En esos ojos
se podia leer
el miedo!
Los mios son frios
como la muerta!

lundi 13 juin 2016


Changeable shadows
of whimsical lights
tear my face
in night scars 
like a fleeting desire!

No matter how!
No matter when!
In this life we slide
or the other side!
We'll meet again!

Read between the lines
recognise the signs 
follow the trace
of who you are
victim or vampire!

No matter how!
No matter when!
In this life we slide
or the other side!
We'll meet again!

Futile scarecrows
for common heights
of human race
my shooting star
is leather on fire!

No matter how!
No matter when!
In this life we slide
or the other side!
We'll meet again!

Write the perfect rimes
so words are crimes
killing time and space
nearby or too far!

No matter how!
No matter when!
In this life we slide
or the other side!
We'll meet again!

mercredi 8 juin 2016


Use and abuse
of your charms
kinky muse!

There's a ghost
in the machine!
There are horses
In the engine!
There's gravity 
wishing everything 
to be falling!

Within a couple 
of human hours
the great creator
commited suicide
then waves disappeared
and the oceans died!
Everyone had faith
in lies!

At noon walking 
on the moon
and by the end
of the day
sins of science
ordinary violence
and souls on cables
were everywhere!

Choose and accuse
all the alarms
you overuse!

There's in allmost
something missing!
There are forces
that can't be seen!
There's synchronicity
always connecting
riders drifting!

Within a couple 
of human hours
the great creator
commited suicide
then waves disappeared
and the oceans died!
Everyone had faith
in lies!

At noon walking 
on the moon
and by the end  
of the day 
sins of science
ordinary violence
and souls on cables
were everywhere!

lundi 30 mai 2016


Au cirque des faux numéros
tigres zippés et blaireaux!
Des airs téléphonés 
qui plantent 
leurs crocs en plastique 
dans le réseau!
Du carton doré
pour couronnés
ces têtes là!

A l'heure où l'ombre
me précède!
En arrière traine la tienne
qui m'obsède!
Même à jour de mes vaccins 
je suis malade comme 
un chien!

D'abord un climat
Ensuite le sacrifice 
trop long
et un cœur qui erre!
Enfin dans la ruche
y'a d'la butinerie dans l'air!

Do you think
I'm a paranoïd?
Do you think
I betray myself?
Guilty mirrors!
Guilty mirrors!
With your fame
and it's hall
I hate you all!

Je ne reconnais pas ces mots
ni mes yeux dans le berceau!
Des transpirants enfiévrés
qui chantent
des résultats balistiques
en levé d'rideau!
Ils sont rodés 
ces profiteurs nées
pseudos Che Guevara!

A l'heure où le nombre
nous possède!
En enfer saigne la hyène 
pour que je cède!
Même si le futur est incertain 
à tout homme
y'a une fin!

Do you think
I'm a paranoïd?
Do you think
I betray myself?
Guilty mirrors!
Guilty mirrors!
With your fame
and it's hall
I hate you all!

dimanche 29 mai 2016


Standing at the top
of a tower!
Cars look like pills
in various colors!

Still the rainbow
I swallow
can't release 
my vertigo!

In my head
sounds and visions
run like
twisted electric cables!
Wire me up on the way
to the next underground 
of the killer city!

In the melting pot
I'm an alien flower!
Hands off the wheel
I'm driving doctor!

Through a broken window
I follow
thrown keys
anywhere they go!

In my head
sounds and visions
run like
twisted electric cables!
Wire me up on the way
to the next underground 
of the killer city!

Very little I've got
says the rumor to power!
All my time to kill
says art to the sinner!

I'm feeling low
my sorrow
at ease
strangles my blow!

In my head
sounds and visions
run like
twisted electric cables!
Wire me up on the way
to the next underground 
of the killer city!

mercredi 25 mai 2016


One's a ray of passion!
One's high on hopes!
The other stranger's a shadow!

What's coming next?
What's coming next?

One's life on mars!
One's a sun burst!
The other's mercury falling!

What's coming next?
What's coming next?

One's is an architect!
One's is a magician!
The other is a leather monster!

What's coming next?
What's coming next?

One's a perception!
One's a tree of knowledge!
The other is living on the edge!

What's coming next?
What's coming next?

One's the blood of a rose!
One's a translucid grass!
The other answers to the night call!

What's coming next?
What's coming next?

One's a fox behind a keyboard!
One's snow leopard on strings!
The other's just a crow of words!

What's coming next?
What's coming next?

Red Green & Black!
Red Green & Black!
Red Green & Black!

mardi 24 mai 2016


La mer grossit
l'horizon en a perdu sa ligne!
Sous la surface
depuis toujours et encore 
que d'l'eau qui dort!

La luminosité de l'instant
m'arrache un sourire!
En toile de fond
tout nos souffles expirent!

J'écume des déferlantes 
de questions!
Suis-je sur la mauvaise pente?
Ai-je vraiment coupé le cordon?

Les blanchis!
Les affranchis!
Les choisis!
Sont t'ils trop clair
pour le tri sélectif?
Sommes nous tout 
ou rien?

Le temps se travestit
de saisons qui maquillent leurs signes!
Et puis elles passent
depuis toujours et encore
jusqu'à l'heure de notre mort!

La nudité de l'enfant
finit par se couvrir!
Froidement à fond
tant q'la route s'étire!

Des étoiles filantes
sans destination!
Serais-je pierre ou plante?
Est-ce que tout s'arrête pour de bon?

Les blanchis!
Les affranchis!
Les choisis!
Sont t'ils trop clair
pour le tri sélectif?
Sommes nous tout 
ou rien?

jeudi 19 mai 2016


A l'étroit dans l'impasse! 
En file indienne dans ton espace
raisonnent mots & pas
où se succèdent délits & muses
mauvais sommeil et ce dont on s'accuse!

Good news is bad business!
Good news is bad business!

Sous une ombre rapace!
L'histoire ancienne se repasse
un temps ses profils bas
d'épisodes qu'il s'redifuse
l'ego au vent avant l'radeau d'la méduse!

Good news is bad business!
Good news is bad business!

Plus loin traîner sa carcasse!
Rajouter au totem une grimace
qui se charge d'notre cas
ces nuits de lunes confuses
où l'alcool réveille un doute qui use!

Good news is bad business!
Good news is bad business!

Solitude noyée dans la masse!
Parmi des numéros sans préface 
et les codes de notre état 
dont nos maux abusent
quand nos peurs en réseau perfusent!

Good news is bad business!
Good news is bad business!

jeudi 5 mai 2016


Do ya wanna race?
Who's possessed 
above the state of grace?

Impossible to land!
My brain is a plane 
colouring the rain!

Have no time to sleep!
Inspiration's not counting sheep!
I change my name push my limits!

A psychedelic voice 
inside my head
says too much
is never enough!

Irresisistible space!
Who's obsessed
to wear another face?

Invisible I stand!
My fame is a train
driving me insane!

Have no signs to keep!
Visions are symbolising the exit!
Can't change my nasty habits!

A psychedelic voice
inside my head
says too much
is never enough!

lundi 2 mai 2016


I'm a drifting libertine body!
Anywhere I go
no one is never expecting me!
Yeah man I'm too high allready 
I'm going solo
just can't hear the call of duty!

But I hope I'm not too paranoïd 
when I ask God to call me later!
I feel like a coke tree
in a lemon squeezer!
She wants me 
to squeeze her!!

She'll hypnotise me
like a snake
but this fucking whore
will never bite me!
Tell you BB!!!

Entertaining agony lady!
Entertaining agony lady!

I'm in the deep end of the kinky city!
In need of vertigo
no one can fall faster than me!
Yeah man it's a horny story
here in Soho
I wanna find another fantasy!

But I hope I'm not too paranoïd 
when I ask God to call me later!
I feel like a coke tree
in a lemon squeezer!
She wants me 
to squeeze her!!

She's a woodoo gypsy
in a spell shake
but she won't get more
than a monkey me!
Tell you BB!!!

Entertaining agony lady!
Entertaining agony lady!

mercredi 20 avril 2016

PREMIER QUART DERNIÈRE HEURE ( titre par mon ami M Green)

Premier embrun
après le dégueulie!
Après j'tire sur un joint
mon quart est fini!

Sur une p'tite ligne
d'eau en poudre!
J'me rappe 
sur ma p'tite fleur de sel!

Malade comme un chien
j'veux tuer le roulis!
Alons tanguer plus loin
mon quart s'infini!

La nuit et ses signes
impossible à résoudre!
sur du carbone et des ficelles!

C'est loin demain
ici je vis une vie!
A peine plus gros qu'un point 
dérive l'infiniment petit!

mardi 19 avril 2016


My soul has gone away
on roads going nowhere!
From here 
to another me!
Far or near
who can I be?

Is this gun the end of me?
Is this gun the end of me?
Sin is humanity
says the ghost to powder
deep in the fog
where a dog and god
are a haunted hunter!

In the middle of my way
is a desire and despair!
A dry tear
in a desert sea!
Loud or clear
can you hear me?

Is this gun the end of me?
Is this gun the end of me?
Sin is humanity
says the ghost to powder
deep in the fog
where a dog and god
are a haunted hunter!

Slave of your last pray
from darkness you tear!
I don't care
love is never guilty!
Would a fear
assfuck eternity?

Is this gun the end of me?
Is this gun the end of me?
SIn is humanity
says the ghost to powder
deep in the fog
where a dog and god
are a haunted hunter!

dimanche 17 avril 2016


Je regarde le vert intense 
dans tes wagons de vie
alors que fonce
mon english racing green!

A très faible distance
quand nous désinhibe la nuit 
les instincts en quinconce 
je raille mon racing green! 

Égoïste généreux 
Don Juan naïf 
si fanne l'enfant
suis la proie du récif!

La mécanique me relance
quand la raison n'a pas d'avis
pas même une once
d'ombre sur mon racing green!

A quelques nuances
roulant entre gloire et saisie
au volant de mon racing green!

Égoïste généreux 
Don Juan naïf 
si fanne l'enfant 
suis la proie du récif!

jeudi 24 mars 2016


Après avoir éliminé l'impossible 
et toisé l'improbable 
les mystères de l'espace temps
dévoilent leurs vérités!

Que les putes et le rhum 
volent les secrets de nos têtes!
Allons satisfaire les caprices de l'homme 
et servir la cause des tempêtes!

Aux îles asiles d'exilés sucriers
je préfère courir aux quatres vents
 et me brûler à l'ecume du sel de l'amer!

Aucune solution plausible 
n'est abordable
les enfers ont eu vent
que mon âme est à leur portée!

Que l'axe moral m'assomme
moi le monstre qui cherche la p'tite bête!
A l'image du serpent qui tend la pomme
pour des appétits qu'on regrette!

Aux îles asiles d'exilés sucriers
je préfère courir aux quatres vents
 et me brûler à l'écume du sel de l'amer!

A la barre rester impassible 
en-dessous c'est l'insondable 
l'éphémère et ses courants
qu'il me faut contrer!

Que nos canons raisonnent
loin des terres de nos dettes!
A la menace derrière l'horizon qui tonne
la voile noire en fête fait danser son squelette!

Aux îles asiles d'exilés sucriers
je préfère courir aux quatres vents
et me brûler à l'écume du sel de l'amer!

dimanche 20 mars 2016


Many things look good in danger!
Are you the sincere one?
Are you the emotional?

Take the flower powder 
the details will do the rest!

I've seen my reflect
too many times!
What's in us so perfect
that makes the rime?

Fire and ice need one more fever!
Can you defy the sun?
Antartical or artical?

Take the flower powder
the details will do the rest!

I'm the secondery effect
of our centurie's crime!
What in politness or respect
is worth in a coalmine?

My soul has an affair with the wilder!
Must the show go on?
Do we allow the animal?

Take the flower powder
the details will do the rest!

I'm my favourite suspect
when I trust the sign!
What in some aspect
can eventually shine?

My ego's been fired in his tower!
Is it gone in a gun?
A bubble or a high wall?

Take the flower powder
the details will do the rest!

Take the flower powder!
Take the flower powder!

vendredi 18 mars 2016


Whose memory do you serve?
Whose fears do you believe in?
Innocents will fall
if you answer to the call!

And the winner is money
exept for me & my monkey!
Knowledge brings gilt!
Ignorance is feeding the soldiers!

Who's got make up 
on their desires?
Who has the power
to rethink himself?
Who thinks a bullet
has the answer 
to his questions?
Maybe the Devil 
is just a misunderstood?

Has every conviction got an edge?
Has your position allready changed?
Who built the first wall?
For death or fame walk down the hall!

From recongnition to celebrity
things wish to last in history!
Some lives need a lift!
Underground stars remain martyrs!

Who's got make up
on their desires?
Who has the power
to rethink himself?
Who thinks a bullet
has the answer
to his questions?
Maybe the Devil 
is just a misunderstood?

vendredi 11 mars 2016


Eight times stonger
than we are!
A million times superiour
than our will to kill!

So small in our walls!
Everything we fear
needs a code
and a door!

Try to be a good gorilla!
Try to be a good gorilla!
Try to be a good gorilla!

Silver back's closer
safe I'm in a car!
Humans need an armour
and a miracle pill!

For fame build halls!
Controlling a tear
for a god
made for the poor!

Try to be a good gorilla!
Try to be a good gorilla!
Try to be a good gorilla!

Mankind is the monster 
with a name for every star!
Towers  get taller
in the jungles of steel!

Inside me is a trbal call!
It's loud and clear
from the fog
they know more!

Try to be a good gorilla!
Try to be a good gorilla!
Try to be a good gorilla!

jeudi 10 mars 2016


Entre j'en sais rien et nulle part 
tel un pavé jeté dans la mare
sujet d'sa majesté gravité
qui pesant de toute sa peine
m'a condamné à perpétuité
à labourer les arènes
moi qui rêvait d'être l'oiseau rare!

Du mystère de moi-même 
comment me sauver?

Jamais été le régional de l'étape!
J'suis le fou d'une diagonale 
qui m'échappe!

Sombres recoins ou grands écarts 
la balle perdue de part en part
a fini par me traverser
et mettre à l'air mes veines
d'écorché mal rangé
en gargouille de totem 
à la une des journaux du soir!

Du mystère de moi-même 
comment me sauver?

En prise directe 
avec ce qui nous dépasse!
Avec seul un mensonge 
pour consolation!

Du mystère de moi-même 
comment me sauver?
Comment me sauver?

mardi 8 mars 2016


Find yourself in someone else!
As the metamorphosis of a butterfly
bodies are passing but the spirit
never dies!
Think yourself in another place!
Less and less to fear from the sky
stories are now telling the limits
of their lies!
Find yourself with another face!
Kneeling on your grave she still cries
worries run in the veins of misfits 
and uprise!

Thinner than cigarette paper
is the madness and genius partition!
The sinner wishes he could be better
but he's the slave of addiction's

Find yourself lost without a trace!
Through the looking glass eye 
doughts are taking the lunatic
by surprise!
Think yourself in a state of grace!
A passionnate fever you can't justify
that nothing in the rush hour trafic 
can minimise!
Find yourself hanging on a lace!
Never know where time flies
far above the speed limits
of our little lives!

Thinner than cigarette paper
is the madness and genius partition!
The sinner wishes she could be better
but she's the slave of addiction's

vendredi 4 mars 2016


I don't like when you say it's illegal!
It's only a very sensible subject!
My connexions are extrasensorial!
Look up there's an unknown flying object!

Something in me is exprimental!
Waiting for it's secondery effect!
My planet shows like a mirrorball!
Many of my faces look suspect!

I'm not getting any better!
Never listen to my doctor!
Has to be a secret garden!
Has to be a blinding sun!
Has to be sins on the run!
Has to be a smoking gun!
Sometimes I forget the warnings
cos I'm a simple man!

A part of the elementaly particule!
I'm stardust on the soul's reflect!
I don't remember there's a wall!
Has to be god and his prophet!

Didn't land from my last fall!
Woke up sitting on a comet!
My fears don't need a symbol!
I'm conjugated in pure imperfect!

I'm not getting any better!
Never listen to my doctor!
Has to be a secret garden!
Has to be a blinding sun!
Has to be sins on the run!
Has to be a smoking gun!
Sometimes I forget the warnings
cos I'm a simple man!

vendredi 26 février 2016


Down there
in the human jungle!
I'm a code à number
a bullet in the barrel!
Very clear
I belong to the experimental!
A secondery effect worker
stuck in a bubble!
In the sphere
my space is very small!
Got a virus a doctor
and shit in the needle!

The highest hopes of science
are running in my veins!
Might be a chemical weapon 
to regulate the populations!
My reaction might just be
the suitable tool
for a miracle pill
or the latest up to date addiction!

Got no time to kill
I'm a rat in the wheel!

In the corner
stands the shade of trouble!
Waiting for my daily torture
so sure I'd be happy in hell!
Very clear
I see through my oversized eye balls
a second head growing on my brother
in a radioactive blow!
Acid's in my tear
and nothing can stop it's fall!
I'm not guilty your honnor
just the third hump of the camel!

Got no time to kill!
I'm a rat in the wheel!

mercredi 20 janvier 2016


Looking in her eyes
I can see there's
nobody home!
Nothing in my head
betrays my intentions!
On my face there's just
a dangerous smile!

In this world
pain knows me by name!
I'm the dark side of the soul
expecting u all to fall
in my hole!
I'm not your fake snake from 
the garden of Eden
I'm the lord of the heathen!

Until the day she dies
and anywhere 
she carries her bones!
Every scene I've played
is the same chain reaction!
In this place only dust
and a venomous reptile!

In this world 
pain knows me by name!
I'm the dark side of the soul
expecting u all to fall
in my hole!
I'm not your fake snake from
the garden of Eden!
I'm the lord of the heathen!

See how she flies
here & everywhere 
jailed in the dome!
She's a butterfly nailed
for my own satisfaction!
No one u can trust
escaping me is futile!

In this world
pain knows me by name!
I'm the dark side of the soul
expecting u all to fall
in my hole!
I'm not your fake snake from
the garden of Eden!
I'm the lord of the heathen!

In the end I hypnotise
she's in intensive care
and the dices are thrown!
Hopes have allready sailed
towards another desillusion!
No needle can burst
my bubble of cold blood style!

In this world 
pain knows me by name!
I'm the dark side of the soul
expecting u all to fall 
in my hole!
I'm not your fake snake from
the garden of Eden!
I'm the lord of the heathen!

lundi 18 janvier 2016


People of good hopes
have regulars & exes!
People on bad dopes
go too far on excesses!

Day by day
like rats in a wheel!
A pill & an X ray
no time left to kill!

Feels just like
I'm in a monkey party
jumping around 
a bowl of coke!

Delirious gods & horoscopes
have a lucky star full access!
Vicious dogs & stethoscopes 
go out with young actresses!

Pay and play
wanna an extra thrill!
Lay on the plastic bay
and inflate the hill!
Feels just like
I'm in a monkey party
jumping around 
a bowl of coke!

samedi 16 janvier 2016


Essuyer les plâtres
d'une énième 
génération perdue!
Assister à des scènes 
auxquelles le hazard
nous convie!
En attendant la mort
tapis dans l'ombre
de sa voluptueuse
En des lieux 
où la vanité
est plus forte 
que la misère!
Toi qui te prends
pour le sel 
de la terre 
verras-tu les hyènes
du lendemain 
les tigres d'hier?
Si partir trop tôt 
semble inconvenant 
le silence de celui
qui courtise la mort
accepte néanmoins 
la plus endiablée 
dernière danse!
Incurables et agités
en qui sommeillent
de grands hommes
chutez de vos idées 
avant les vertiges
d'un monde hypocrite 
trop haut perché
qui viendra vous saluer!
Immuables vaguelettes 
des lacs!
Éphémères écumes 
des mers!
Longtemps après nos ruines
dans les poussières 
de nos os
notre asphyxie soufflera
une nouvelle ère 
provisisoire durable!

vendredi 15 janvier 2016


When everything's behind!
This world I thought was mine
never took me past the horizon
of my hometown!

Pushing everything to the limit!
Too fast to notice 
along the line
there was a sign
never really reached the speed of sound!

So I kept on making noise!
Tried to love but somehow 
always broke my toys!

After wasting more than time!
Although there was good wine
my sprint lost every single illusion
when the haze had flown!

An eye wide out of it's orbit!
Waiting for the winter solstice
to comit the perfect rime
in some words of mine
tatooed as the tear on a sad clown!

So I kept on making noise!
Tried to love but somehow
always broke my toys!

mardi 12 janvier 2016


My days are counted
and I'm too old
to find god!
All the faces I've invented
the tales I told
when I was
sick as a dog!

Will history remember 
London in november?
My memory is a stanger
at home in troubled water!

My walls are painted
in shades of cold
like my blood!
All the murders I've commited
the souls I've sold
when I was 
in the cosmic fog!

Will history remember 
London in november?
My memory is a stranger
at home in troubled water!