vendredi 21 août 2015


Can the bars of gold you hold
protect you from the bitter cold?
Has the time you've badly sold
avoided you from getting old?

Do you believe 
in the power of a spiritual blow?
Can you leave
behind the illusion of your ego?

Get outta u're cage!
Get outta u're cage!
It's about time now
to burn the page!

Will what you keep untold
protect you of being controled?
Have the faces you stoled
been able to save u're soul?

Do you believe
this drug gets u higher than u're heroes?
Tell me please
where's the wild space for the rising mojo?

Get outta u're cage!
Get outta u're cage!
It's about time now
to burn the page!

vendredi 14 août 2015


What's wrong with man kind?
Do all their needs get them blind?
Fill your empty space with a pill
take another one if u have time to kill!

Is what you're putting
in your nose
getting you closer
to your heroes?

Don't u cage me in your world!
Don't u ever change my words!
Once upon a crime!
Once upon a crime!
I was a tightrope walker on the line!

Who wrote the perfect rime?
Are you waiting for a sign?
You want the stranger to bring a thrill
so you follow the disciple up that hill!

Are you only shooting 
broken arrows
making bigger
oversised egos?

Don't u cage me in your world!
Don't u ever change my words!
Once upon a crime!
Once upon a crime!
I was a tightrope walker on the line!

What's going on in your mind?
Where's the needle u can't find?
From the top of your glass and steel
something seems to be at a standstill!

Is this way of living
the road u chose
chasing power
until the overdose?

Don't u cage me in your world!
Don't u ever change my words!
Once upon a crime!
Once upon a crime!
I was a tightrope walker on the line!

jeudi 6 août 2015


Maybe it was already written
long before my creation!
Maybe I've been like you 
or someone else!

Strange signs all along the road
and even deviant directions!
Strange visions like the voodoo
in my chase!

I'm not afraid to die!
I feel like Lucy in the sky!
I know nothing ever ends!

There must be more
than a face on a photograph!
There's just one thing
the other side wants to know!

Did you really love?
Did you really love?
Did you really love?

BB I'm no longer certain
there's only gravity's attraction!
BB I've been blind too
coudn't even see myself!

Change the lines I used to load
in my material connexions!
Change the poisons of the guru
into something safe!

I'm not afraid to die!
I feel like Lucy in the sky!
I know nothing ever ends!

There must be more
than a face on a photograph!
There's just one thing
the other side wants to know!

Did you really love?
Did you really love?
Did you really love?


Line for line!
In the same space!
At the same time!

Sons of science!
Like an evidence!
Experimemental subject
to break the law of silence!

The other me
seems so close!
In his eyes
something is endlessly 
escaping me!

Draw the line!
In the same race!
Just before the crime!

Sins of science!
Double existence!
Extrasensorial suspect
for my reflexion in the distance!

The other me
seems so close!
In his eyes 
something is endlessly
escaping me!

mercredi 5 août 2015


Heures de pointes
au beau milieu
des trafics d'influence!

J'cours après un truc qui marche!
J'cours après un truc qui marche!
A mes pieds
une erreur de taille
à ma pointure!

J'étudie les tours
des tueurs érudits!
J'fais du pied à la douleur!

J'aborde la phase critique!
J'fais du saut sans élastique 
en attendant l'analyse balistique!

J'cours après un truc qui marche!
J'cours après un truc qui marche!
A mes pieds
une erreur de taille
à ma pointure!

J'fais mon temps!
J'ai des solstices!
J'ai des équinoxes!
J'ai des éclipses!

Casque à pointe
au beau milieu
des cornes d'abondance!

J'cours après un truc qui marche!
J'cours après un truc qui marche!
A mes pieds
une erreur de taile
à ma pointure!

J'fais l'amour
à l'enfer en parodie!
J'fais du pied à la douleur!

J'me fais l'examen clinique
Dans cette panique hygiénique!
hurlent les blasphèmes métronomiques!

J'cours après un truc qui marche!
J'cours après un truc qui marche!
A mes pieds
une erreur de taille
à ma pointure!

J'fais mon temps!
J'ai des solstices!
J'ai des équinoxes!
J'ai des éclipses!