samedi 31 janvier 2015


Follow the guide!
He's a paranoïd
Falling from the slide
of his toxic fluid!

God's dog!
God's dog!
God's dog!

Swallow your pride!
U just can't avoid
calling the dark side
of a bitter need!

God's dog!
God's dog!
God's dog!

A hollow in the tide!
Just a little annoyed
by an umpteenth suicide
of a bad seed!

God's dog!
God's dog!
God's dog!

Don't slow the ride!
Elegantly destroyed
by an interstellar acid
at high speed!

God's dog!
God's dog!
God's dog!

dimanche 25 janvier 2015


I 'd give anything 
to feel something else!
It looks as if I'm waiting
for someone never returning!

From the inside I'm calling
but her silence is keeping me hepless!
All this time I'm wasting
in my seasonal drifting!

Don't you know love and hate
refect in the same mirror
my purest heroin!
Can we escape our determation?
I see your ghost
haunting my intuitions!

My favourite poison!
My unforgettable fire!
My killing desire!
My electric wire!
My evil flower!

Keep on hiding
even if any place is hopeless!
Mute instead of lying
tears only fall when it's raining!

This pain is never stopping
and no science said life was endless!
Maybe I'm expecting 
an impossible homecoming!

Don't you know love and hate
reflect in the same mirror
my purest heroin!
Can we escape our determination?
I see your ghost
haunting my intuitions!

My favourite poison!
My inforgettable fire!
My killing desire!
My electric wire!
My evil flower!

lundi 19 janvier 2015


Alchemy trenscends chemistry
and a certain chain reaction
for two foreign bodies
on a collision course!

It's like a combustion engine
souls mixing toxic medicine
a common pain running in their veins
so come on it's time to jump off the train!

A weird twist of irony
can get the atoms close to fusion
on the link of extrasensory
out of the dark side of the force!

I'm above forty you're stil in your teens
we've gone too far to change the scene
a common pain is running in our veins
so come on it's time to jump off the train!

Forget the codes and follow me
my evil flower my favorite poison
we do our own electricity
from the same power source!

We are the ghosts in the machine
straight on top of the extrem
a common pain is running in the veins
so come on it's time to jump off the train!

vendredi 16 janvier 2015


Drift away
you don't believe in any pray!
Find your way 
and the real meaning of the ray!

You wanna buy imagination 
and fill your hollow soul perception
on the sideline of intoxication!

Fade away
let your ghost haunt the rest of your days!
Another castaway 
one of these wrecks where sorrow lays!

You wanna hide in an illusion
and touch the flesh of a vision
for your dark passenger's satisfaction!

Nothing else to say
and no rules exept yours to obey!
Full ashtray
it's time now to end the stay!

You wanna heavyweight levitation
and an extralucid hallucination
leading to another den of vice horizon!

jeudi 15 janvier 2015


In spite of the fact
I need to be in deep shit to find inspiration!
In spite of the fact
a blizzard of coke is blowing 
in my direction!
In spite of the fact
the good chemistry has no real
effect on me!

I'm no longer waiting
for my moment of glory!
I'm no longer God's favorite dog
he's got something to do
with wasted blood 
and dirty money!

In spite of the fact
I'm an asshole ruining 
our relation!
In spite of the fact
I only act in a mental blank
state of confusion!
In spite of the fact
I don't expect any miracle pill
is able to save me!

I'm no longer wondering
about the weight of gravity!
I'm no longer a ring of smoke in the fog
cos there is no issue
out of this flood
slowly killing me!

dimanche 11 janvier 2015


Hey you who took me for target!
You'd better not forget your bullet!

Wake up!
You little slave!
Who do you think you save?
My death is your grave!

Kill me!
Which side of the gun is really gone!
Kill me!
Whose side are you really on son?

What do you see
through the hole in my body?

Don't miss the Window of opportunity!

Hey you it's far too late to have regrets!
Finger on the trigger said the prophet!

Wake up!
You little slave!
Who do you think you save?
My death is your grave!

Kill me!
Wait a minut so I'm out of the half light!
Kill me!
I'll be on stage tomorrow night!

What do you see
through the hole in my body?

Don't miss the window of opportunity!

Hey you and all the toxic puppets!
I don't fear the stings of your tight nets!

Wake up!
You little slave!
Who do you think you save?
My death is your grave!

Kill me!
Unknown soldier after his moment of glory!
Kill me!
I'm sorry your soul is so empty!

What do you see
through the hole in my body?

Don't miss the window of opportunity!


La morale de la rue du sexe
c'est qu'aucune ne se vexe
de nos instincts vidés
contre quelques deniers!

Fiévreux délits d'initiés
et hésitants novices
rythment le pavés 
serrent le vice!

Impasses dénuées de prétextes
sans l'ombre d'un complexe
des jeunes et des fanées
des tordus et des dressés!

Peu m'importe dérobé
ce moi dans l'interstice 
s'exhibe dénudé 
d'evidentes cicatrices!

Dans le backstage des contextes
s'oublient des accents perplexes
no game over d'oser
ici ne calme les camés!

Tiroir dérangé 
des maux de l'appendice 
aux recoins inavoués
d'électriques artifices!

jeudi 8 janvier 2015


L'irrévérence n'a ni dieu ni maître 
elle survie aux chargeurs vidés
car ceux qui jettent l'encre
ne mettent pas les voiles!

La ligne d'horizon ne se dessine
que par les mieux appareillés!

C'est pas avec n'importe qui
que tu peux rire de tout!
Et ça profite à qui
de tutoyer les tabous?
Est-ce parce que sans histoire 
que certains veulent se la raconter?

Barbare banal qu'as-tu donc raté?
Quel talent t'a été refusé?

Les traits tirés font mouche
sous le nez infatigable des inspirés!
As-tu déjà craché sur un ventilo
en train d'tourner?
Qu'il est dur d'être aimé par des cons
doit penser dieu, 
tant et si bien qu'il existe!!!

La substance n'a d'odieux de se permettre
que les esprits les plus échoués 
les épaves que rien n'ancre
croissantes sous les toiles!

La ligne d'horizon ne se dessine
que par les mieux appareillés!

C'est pas avec n'importe qui
que tu peux rire de tout!
Et dans la peau de qui
se font les trous?
Est-ce parce que sans histoire 
que certains veulent se la raconter?

Barbare banal qu'as-tu donc raté?
Quel talent t'a été refusé?

Les traits tirés font mouche
sous le nez infatigable des inspirés!
As-tu vu saigner un stylo
sans une main écorchée?
Qu'il est dur d'être aimé par des cons
doit penser Dieu,
tant et si bien qu'il existe!!!!

J'essuie les tempêtes 
tango bravo papa Charlie 
et ses anges mais dessines-moi en mouton!!!!! 

samedi 3 janvier 2015


In the begining 
I was blind!
But now I can see the other shore 
and I can't take it anymore!

My ego was much taller
than any world trade center!

I didn't see it coming!
I was blind!
But now I can see the other shore
and I can't take it anymore!

My mojo took me higher
far above any kind of power!

I kept on denying
I was blind!
But now I can see the other shore
and I can't take it anymore!

My sorrow showed me later
I was the bad seed of evil flowers!

I had everything I wanted
on a finger snap!
My glazed paper face
on the cover of magazines!
I was a prophet of profits
with toys slaves and followers!
I  thought I was ruling the symphony
of the whole universe!

Then I stopped lying
being blind!
And the real world I used to ignore
is from now on my endeavour!

My echo had no answer 
in the crowd I was just a number!

I started realising
I was no longer blind!
It's too late for my redemption I'm sure
and no forgiveness is to implore!

I've been the greatest sinner ever
still I can't remember my first murder!

My time is ending
on the throne is another blind!
A spirit of needs and even more
that already owns your soul!