dimanche 30 novembre 2014


Will space and time
bring you back to me?
Will a force
conbine the trajectory?

All times are coexistences
even if they stop the way!
We bounce in circumstances 
 some torches the same ray!

This is attraction!!

Was it a crime
cos nobody was guilty?
Will a force 
confirm the theory?

Then shines the evidence
like an answer to the pray!
In words of eloquence
broken pieces of a castaway!

This is attraction!

How to climb
above the walls of mistery?
Will a force
justify the destiny?

The angle of incidence 
is pointing the next day!
We cover the distance
with no rules to obey!

This is attraction!

Is there a sign
in the circle of astrology?
Will a force
take away this deadly gravity?

From the margin of tolerance
I can't eternally stay!
Kept in ignorance
are the soul cages we betray!

This is attraction!


No physical reacton!
It comes from somewhere else!
It's a certain perception
something impossible to confess!

A personnal vision!
Waiting for the midnight express!
Missing from the transmission 
a fallen wall in the forteress!

Is your ego ready to land?
Heroes have no plans
they improvise all around!

I'm too fast to touch the ground!
I'm too fast to touch the ground!

In a mystical connexion!
Like a hidden mistress!
It's a strange situation
then hallucinations come next!

No chemical addiction!
Just modern loneliness!
Lost in too much information 
a kind of ordinary stress!

Is your ego ready to land?
Heroes have no plan
they improvise all around!

I'm too fast to touch the ground!
I'm too fast to touch the ground!

vendredi 28 novembre 2014


I've no sense of measure
no sense of control!
I'm only inspired by the wild
and the black hole of my soul!

Leave me on the playground
with my toys making noise!
You don't understand my sound!
Leave me on the playground 
with my toys making noise!
I don't belong to the academic hound!

I feel like under pressure
to the wall!
Maybe I was once a child
and it was just a game to fall!

Leave me on the playground
with my toys making noise!
You don't understand my sound!
Leave me on the playground 
with my toys making noise!
I don't belong to the academic hound!

I like the taste of danger
facing a mirror ball!
Hopefully there's an ass to ride
instead of waiting for a call!

Leave me on the playground
with my toys making noise!
You don't understand my sound!
Leave me on the playground 
with my toys making noise!
I don't belong to the academic hound!

I feel like under torture
walking down the hall!
Shadows are swallowing my pride
and my giant steps look very small!

Leave me on the playground
with my toys making noise!
You don't understand my sound!
Leave me on the playground 
with my toys making noise!
I don't belong to the academic hound!

I'm exposed as a furniture
in front of u all!
A fairground freak trying to hide
the hopeless clown of the festival!

Leave me on the playground
with my toys making noise!
You don't understand my sound!
Leave me on the playground 
with my toys making noise!
I don't belong to the academic hound!

mercredi 26 novembre 2014


From the corner of your eye
I can see you lie!
Maybe there was nothing else to find!
It all faded after in a glass of wine!

I've lived the scene a million times
the nightmare used to be a lullaby 
always ending with the same rimes!

From the corner of your eye
I can't see you cry!
I wish you were caught in someone else's mind!
I should have red between the line!

I've lived the scene a million times
the nightmare used to be a lullaby
always ending with the same rimes!

From the corner of your eye
I can see me die!
I really thought you were one of my kind!
I should have noticed there was a sign!

I've lived the scene a million times
the nightmare used to be a lullaby
always ending with the same rimes!

mardi 25 novembre 2014


Had a call from the devil!
Told me he could save my soul!
No promisses no miracles
at the speed of a canonball!

Always wanted to travel
to escape the jigsaw puzzle!
Turning in the same circles 
in the middle of guilty jungles!

The ghost train
never sees the end of the tunnel!
The ghost train
is blind to all the walls!

I was a dog without a bone
a hollow tree left on it's own!
I don't have to be on time!
I just have to blow my mind
cos I can't be a better man!

I béat the brave cos I'm a rebel!
Snakes coming out of my vocals!
Hell's bells ruling the instrumental
and smoke belched from metal!

I have squeezed the elemental
kept the instinct of the animal!
Don't believe it's impossible 
feel the steam of deep alcohol!

The ghost train
never sees the end of the tunnel!
The ghost train
is blind to all the walls!

I was a dog without a bone
a hollow tree left on it's own!
I don't have to be on time
I just have to blow my mind
cos I can't be a better man!

dimanche 23 novembre 2014


Petit prince rêve d'être un grand roi!
Les sujets qu'il traite
finissent dans l'arène du désarroi 
et la princesse qui trotte dans sa tête 
est courtisane dans tout ses états!

Petit prince dessine n'importe quoi!
Rien ne l'arrête 
comme ces moutons qui vont au bois
le mirage des dunes et le pilote sur la crête 
et rouge de roses qui ne fanent pas!

Petit prince à une cours sans lois!
La cité par la fenêtre 
ne connait que les saisons de l'effroi
de girophares en retour d'oubliettes 
de verres et de sang dans tout leurs éclats!

Petit prince n'fait pas encore le poids!
Faut bien admettre 
qu'il ressemble à un chien aux abois
qui doit dealer pour ses croquettes
et étudier pour un taff sans appât!

Petit prince entend des voix!
Celle des traîtres 
qui traînent dans son dos avec du métal froid
ces petits esclaves de la gâchette 
lui tirent une balle et s'évaporent du noble combat!

Petit prince rêvait d'être un grand roi!


She's made of wires and cables
sniffin railways on glass tables!
She shakes her body in a plastic mini
and spends her money in her nose!

In the meantime
the free electron says!

I tell you BB 
I can be your switch 
ectric bitcth!
Electric bitch!

She's plugged in geïsha marbbles
and wearing snakes with the rattles!
She's a full time parental advisory
with a kinky plan to expose!

In the meantime
the free electron says!

I tell you BB
I can be you switch 
electric bitch!
Electric bitch!

She abuses of champain and sparkles
and sucks fucks and stucks when she gambles!
She's the atomic bomb in the electrity
and waits until the coke tree snows!

In the meantime 
the free electron says!

I tell you BB 
I can be your switch
electric bitch!
Electric bitch!

samedi 22 novembre 2014


What is said
and all that's kept untold!
Don't be scared
to keep your wings unfold!

You run the risk
of losing far too much! 
You get closer to the eclipse
when you're outta control 
and danger seems to  stay in touch!

What is made
and what comes undone!
Some are teared
while the plastic souls need a gun!

You run the risk
of losing far too much!
You get closer to the eclipse
when you're outta control
and danger seems to stay in touch!

What is played
and what echoes in the underground!
Confusion in your head
you keep on turning round & round!

You run the risk
of losing far too much!
You get closer to the eclipse
when you're outta control
and danger seems to stay in touch!

vendredi 21 novembre 2014


Who are you thinking of
when you're fucking
with another man?

Do you think a glove
is enough for covering
all the blood on your Hand?

Do you expect the up above
to send something missing
or some kind of alien?

She was your best dope!
Now you're dealing
with the last hope
and the end of a rope!

Who against all the odds
through her eyes hypnotising
forgot the pouring rain?

Do you try to avoid
the weird things she's doing
and hide your head in the sand?

Do you reject the gods
you once believed in
 just unable to reduce the pain?

She was your best dope!
Now you're dealing
with the last hope
at the end of a rope!

mercredi 19 novembre 2014


Don't let anybody in!
Have you seen the state I'm in?
This time I can't be saved
from myself!

Won't you stop rushing in!
Can something radioactivate my engine?
I'm no longer amased
by myself!

Don't look over my shoulder
I'm a paranoïd weed!
I feel like growing behind the lines
and I hear voices of the enemy
coming very near!

I can't stop my bubble from bursting!
Can you see the hole in my trempoline?
My memory has erased
most of itself!

Leave me here in my tin!
Do I have to fucking declare anything?
The pressure has rased
far too much for myself!

Don't look over my shoulder
I'm a paranoïd weed!
I feel like growing behind the lines
and I can hear voices of the enemy
coming very near!

mardi 18 novembre 2014


So many reasons are given
to forget what I've once said!
So many promisses broken
someday I must have made!

So many roads are driven
out in the unknown I invade!
So many words I've written
with a soul cold as a blade!

It'll all be over when I'm gone!
Little by little I disappear!
It'll all be over when I'm gone!
Little by little I disappear!

The horizon is not meant to be reached!
The little black spot has to stay ahead!
The lesson is not meant to be teached!
From the begining there was a barricade!

So many poisons I've chosen
and battlefields left in my bed!
So many hights I've fallen
desperetly trying to make the grade!

So many inspirations smoken
from flames of fires I've played!
So many breaths I've taken
running through the decade!

It'll all be over when I'm gone!
Little by little I disappear!
It'll all be over when I'm gone!
Little by little I disappear!

The elevation comes from a blow u meet!
I've often wondered why the lights stayed
The illusion is used or lost along the same street!
Now I'm leaving the whole masquerade!

It'll all be over when I'm gone!
Little by little I disappear!
It'll all be over when I'm gone!
Little by little I disappear!

lundi 17 novembre 2014


No drug lasts longer than à channel!
My dope hopes it's effect in a tunnel!
Sound systems & special effects!
No problems for the slaves of their reflect!

Press a button to love & trust!
Dial a code to lie & kill!
Stuck in an armchair you rust!
At your feet empty bottles & miracle pills!

Modern heroes are ordinary criminals!
Your neighbour is a killer & a patriot aswell!
Reality shows & usual suspects!
Beat your wife & your dog in god's respect!

Buy a need and never get lost!
A fallen angel tries the roulette wheel!
Your son stole your gun after biting the dust!
The evening news said it was just unreal!

dimanche 16 novembre 2014


Was it a bad dream?
Did you erase from your memory
the places where we've been?
Did you catch the moonbeam?
Does someone make you feel guilty
when you suicide the time machine?

Is it another extreme?
Did you rewrite the whole story
excluding our addictions to sins?
Did you catch the entire scene?
Do you believe our common mercury
is the kind of quicksilver I imagine?

Remember our lifes 
thrown on a gambling table!
How your vice would charm the dice!
How my double never needed ice!
How our bubble was out of price!
You never tried any fortune teller
to chose or abuse of the wild card!

By now are you clean?
Did you go to rehab in a monestary
and again go into another spin?
Did you catch the main theme?
Do you regret sex in the cimetery
when we were religiously fucking?

Is there no returning?
Does home look like enemy territory
too small to stay an anonymous thing?
Did you catch the state we were in?
Was all this pain so necessary 
and those empty spaces left in between?

Remember our lifes 
thrown on a gambling table!
How your vice would charm the dice!
How my double never needed ice!
How our bubble was out of price!
You never tried any fortune teller 
to chose or abuse of the wild card!

vendredi 14 novembre 2014


See how they rise!
See how they fall!
It's written in the skies
reflecting on a mirror ball!

See how they're warm!
See how they're cold!
There's no compromise
listening to hell's call!

If pressure is a science
the soul is a huricane!
Keep an eye on the distance
be the element's favorite game!

In connexion with your fingers
echoes the magnetic Storm!
In connexion with your fingers
echoes the magnetic Storm!

See how you oversize!
See how you're small!
Do we surely realise
sometimes we need to fall!

See the canyon in your palm!
See your body getting old!
In a scene where time flies
evaporates the perfect alcool!

There is eloquence in silence
and burning unforgetable flames!
I don't believe in coincidence
but I'm glad I missed the plane!

In connexion with your fingers
echoes the magnetic Storm!
In connexion with your fingers
echoes the magnetic Storm!

mardi 11 novembre 2014


Wake up!
Wake up!
Impropable is knocking at my door!
I've allready seen my life before!
It's a supersonic one shot
full of ironic cuts!
I was falling from poisonous hights
and answering to the call of gravity
stuck in a corner of my memory
I coudn't escape the ghost of you!

Doughts sometimes last longer
than the point of no return!
The message will wind blow
in the ashes when I'll burn!
I still wonder how
I've lasted so lo long!

All along the way
I've lost pieces of the puzzle
and broke the mirrors 
of my ego!

As you've arrived to the end of the trip
did you find the missing link?
The big mystery
was a sparkle in her eyes!

Watch out!
Watch out!
Incurable is injecting me a little more!
I've allready seen my life before!
It's a supersonic one shot
full of ironic cuts!
I was falling from poisonous hights
and answering to the call of gravity
stuck in a corner of my memory
I coudn't escape the ghost of you!

Doughts sometimes last longer
than the point of no return!
The message will wind blow
in the ashes when I'll burn!
I still wonder how 
I've lasted so long!

A mysterious ray
has burst my bubble
visions as saviours
rised on my mojo!

What do you think when the ship
is just about to sink?
I guess nobody
gets out here alive!


samedi 8 novembre 2014


Comment ai-je pu tenir aussi longtemps?
Pointes de vitesses signées cocaïne!
Coups de frein en plein élan
approuvè par la discipline!

Diagnostic sans surprises!
Contrôle maîtrise!
Contrôle maîtrise!
Contrôle maîtrise!

Combien d'habitants hurlent entre mes tympans?
Parmis eux un fou chantant et un rat d'usine!
Puis un flash me vient en mode plein écran
à des moments ou j'hallucine!

Diagnostic sans surprises!
Contrôle maîtrise!
Contrôle maîtrise!
Contrôle maîtrise!

Comment mes nerfs à vif supportent le masque du calme apparent?
Le singe savant cache ses griffes de Wolverine!
Mes notes ancrent l'amour comme un
poison lent
de sévères addictions assassines!

Diagnostic sans surprises!
Contrôle maîtrise!
Contrôle maîtrise!
Contrôle maîtrise!

Comment contenir cette rage dedant?
L'âme chauffée à blanc plantée dans mes querelles intestines!
J'passe les maux à mes frères d'adrénaline!
Aux sons de vertiges communs d'étranges signes!
Plein gaz au-dessus de l'amer je montre les dents
et non loin l'infini se devine!

Diagnostic sans surprises!
Contrôle maîtrise!
Controle maîtrise!
Contrôle maîtrise!

jeudi 6 novembre 2014


Tu es en pôle.
Es-tu prêt à lâcher les chevaux?
Tu as le rôle.
As-tu composé le bon numéro?
Au-devant des vitrines à concubines
je brise la glace pour une poupée au bout
d'la ligne!

Depuis ton visage en première page
jusqu'à la chronique que tu défraies!
Depuis la prison de ton reflet
tout tailler au carré avant qu'tu n'appareille
pour des aventures d'un square!

En profondeur un contre courant sort des clous
convaincu que tes codes rendent fou!
Au fond de l'impasse se dessine une trappe
dedant pend une taupe au bout d'un jack!

Depuis ton visage en première page
jusqu'à la chronique que tu deffraies!
Depuis la prison de ton reflet
tout tailler au carré avant qu'tu n'appareille 
pour des aventures d'un square!
Tes aventures d'un square!

Tout ce réduit au plus simple appareil!
Tout ce réduit au plus simple appareil!
L'éternité nue dans l'histoire d'un soir!
L'éternité nue dans l'histoire d'un soir!

Au fil du temps s'installe le flou
reste t'il un point une marque de nous?
A quand le dernière fièvre l'ultime symptôme?
Tout ce mal que tu te donne
à creuser ton trou
à te poser des verrous
et entretenir ta peur du loup!
Dépassé les bornes de l'homme 
la grande inconnue d'un autre règne!

mardi 4 novembre 2014


Cessez fantasmes inassouvis
de me montrer le fruit
que je n'ai pas cueillit!
J'mettrais d'la suite à ma folie!

J'aimerais m'entretenir avec le temps
avant qu'il ne me fixe ses limites!

Cette situation m'est famillére
quand elle m'entame la raison!

Mes nerfs sont impossible à taire
pas las de plaies hantées!

Dans le satin des oublis
aux extases enfouies
me provoque la Walkyrie!
Sans équivoque je relève le défi!

Toi l'idée maîtresse de mes élans 
humide sous le cuir qui m'excite!

Il n'est de conquêtes sans guerrière 
certains maux se refusent à la guérison!

Mes nerfs sont impossible à taire
pas las de plaies hantées!

Capturez le sens qui me fuit
ce fugitif de l'esprit
amant d'une perception infinie!
L'orgasme est sublimé en territoire ennemi!

Viens  assouvir l'âme chauffée à blanc
Aphrodite d'étranges exit!

Toutes tracées entre le ciel et l'amer
l'écume et la brume noient l'horizon!

Mes nerfs sont impossible à taire
pas las de plaies hantées!


As-tu effacé de ta mémoire 
enfouis derrière les brumes
ce que nous fûmes?
Aveuglés par ce qu'on sème 
on oubli quand a germé la haine
extraite de la mauvaise graine!

Alchimie mère des charmes
et sort père des larmes!
Pour quels extrêmes devons-nous payer?

Voilà à quoi on se résume!

Es-ce pour oublier?
Es-ce pour se souvenir
que les poisons lents 
et les corps étrangers 
ces feux d'artifices
des soirs de conscience modifiée 
transpercent de part en part
nos âmes écorchées!

Nous sommes nous bu à n'en plus pouvoir
enfiévrés nos hormones sous la lune
ignorant qu'on y laisserait des plumes?
Changé de jeu par thème 
au fil des actes les plus obscènes

Alchimie mère des charmes
et sort père des larmes!
Pour quels extrêmes devons-nous payer?

Voilà à quoi on se résume!

Es-ce par fragilité?
Es-ce pour tuer ces délires 
jusqu'au métallique goût du sang
que ces corps à corps singuliers
resserrent le vice
par ce besoin chronique d'infidèlité
d'ombres inconnues d'un topless bar
empestant l'animal blessé!

dimanche 2 novembre 2014


Toutes ces choses
par les ondes
auxquelles on est sensé croire!
Toutes ces doses
qui nous inondent
aux fontaines forcés aux déboires!

Karma commun!
Dans sa roue qui nous retient
tournent les commencements et les fins!

Ces routes qu'on impose
déchirent le monde
et vont de la machine au dortoirs!
Aucun doute qui ne s'expose
de glace qui ne fonde
pas plus que le vivant ne part à l'abattoir!

Karma commun!
Dans sa roue qui nous retient
tournent les commencements et les fins!

Toutes ces psychoses
qui nous sondent
le phénomène de foire!
Toutes ces portes closes
aux peurs profondes
de certitudes cachées au fond des tiroirs!

Karma commun!
Dans sa roue qui nous retient
tournent les commencements et les fins!

Goutte à goutte qui nous arrose
d'alerte à la blonde
botoxée des journaux du soir!
Se loupent nos métamorphoses
plus captives que vagabondes
prisonnières des codes du reflets des miroirs! 

Karma commun!
Dans sa roue qui nous retient
tournent les commencements et les fins!


samedi 1 novembre 2014


On laissera des morts
sur la route!
T'auras des retombées
avec le soutien d'la gravité!

Maudit voyant!
J'prefere quand tu mens!

Bien sur y'aura des rechutes
des scènes qu'on pourra pas couper!
Des étoiles sorties d'un uppercut 
ces hazards de KO pour leviter!

Maudit voyant!
J'prefere quand tu mens!

On s'prendra pour des matadors
en proie au doute!
L'arène exposera ses écorchés
hors sujets et des taureaux zélés!

Maudit voyant!
J'prefere quand tu mens!

Enfonçant l'âme tous azimuts
chasser à cours pour d'illégitimes majestés!
De biens fielés langues de putes
et leurs hyènes qui viennent t'acheter!

Maudit voyant!
J'prefere quand tu mens!

Et puis des pluies de météors
à l'horreur s'ajoutent!
Même les sirènes auront perdu pied amères de l'urgence banalisée!

Maudit voyant!
J'prefere quand tu mens!